Beefeater Gin 750ml

KSh 2,600

Beefeater London Dry Gin was first made in 1820 by James Burroughs. It is still, to this day, made with the same recipe. Great in a martini, this is a spiced, fruity gin.


Beefeater is one of the few global gin producers whose Master Distiller is still actively involved in the selection of its botanicals. Each year Desmond Payne, the world’s most experienced gin Master Distiller, personally tests over 200 juniper samples – to ensure Beefeater’s bold flavor and character remains present. Their botanicals are still hand weighed by our small but passionate team of three still men, then added to the still – this is the level of care needed for a real London Dry Gin.

The bold taste of Beefeater is enhanced by the 24-hour steeping process. This process helps to extract the maximum amount of flavor from the botanicals into neutral grain alcohol before distillation.

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