Guinness 500ml
KSh 220 – KSh 250
Unmistakably bold and distinctive, experience the world’s no 1 stout. At once bitter and sweet; always rich and rewarding. Serve chilled and drink in the extraordinary flavor of Guinness Foreign Extra stout.
KSh 220 – KSh 250
Unmistakably bold and distinctive, experience the world’s no 1 stout. At once bitter and sweet; always rich and rewarding. Serve chilled and drink in the extraordinary flavor of Guinness Foreign Extra stout.
Unmistakably bold and distinctive, experience the world’s no 1 stout. At once bitter and sweet; always rich and rewarding. Serve chilled and drink in the extraordinary flavor of Guinness Foreign Extra stout.
Guinness | "500ml Can", "500ml Bottle" |
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